May 11, 2003

The overexposure was accidental but happy.

Posted by superboggly at 01:30 PM
Categories: Macro , Orchids
Dendrobium Roots

These are some new roots of my dendrobium.

Posted by superboggly at 01:28 PM
Categories: Macro , Orchids
May 07, 2003

Last night I heard a bang on the back door. When I opened it two large men informed me that they were police officers and that the back tire of my bike had been stolen. I said "oh dear..."
They then explained that it was ok, they'd caught him and had my tire.
Since the police photographer was busy I offered to take a picture of the tire for them. This meant that instead of them keeping it as evidence, I could have my tire.
This is the picture I dropped off today at the police station.

Posted by superboggly at 11:52 PM
Categories: Kingston , Stuff